About us長年に渡り稽古場として新宿村スタジオを運営し、文化を創造する表現者の方と多く触れ合って参りました。その発表の場を提供したいという想いから『新宿村LIVE』は誕生し、2014年には都市計画の再開発に伴い新宿村スタジオに併設されリニューアルし多くの方に支えられ現在に至ります。
Shinjukumura Studio has operated for many years as a rehearsal venue where artists who create culture can interact. The studio grew from the Shinjukumura Live concept of providing a place for presentations, In 2014, due to the redevelopment of the city, it was attached to the Shinjuku Village Studio and renovated, and with the support of many people, it has continued to this day.
We hope to continue to grow together with artists as a special place for practicing diverse forms of artistic expression in addition to theater-oriented performing arts.